PROLOGUE: Commander Data sat at the bar in 10-Forward, tapping a finger on the counter. Guinan, the "Bar Keeper",wiped out a glass; patiently watching the Android. Data then got up and walked to the "window" to stare out at the warp-speed stars. As he stood there, he began to whistle quietly to himself. He then walked over to a small table, sat down leaned forward and propped his head up with his left arm. He sat there awhile, then started to drum the table-top with his right hand. After he "tired" of that, he rose to his feet and returned to the bar. Seating himself,he looked to the left, then to the right. Guinan, curious and also amused, asked Data,"Can I get you anything Commander?" "I suppose that will be ok", Data returned. "OK?....",the black woman remarked, a bit confused. "Yes, I'll have a drink!" The Android said this... after some deliberation. "And...?,"Guinan said with a questioning look. Data returned the look and questioned her; "And...What??" "What's your poison?,"Guinan asked as she turned to get a clean glass from the shelf behind her. "Oh...,that wouldn't be very effective on me; as you know, I'm an Android!"