"Our Planet and two Moons are but an "Electron","Proton", and a "Neutron", circling the nucleus of an "Atom". That "Atom" is the Sun. This "Atom", along with thousands upon thousands of other "Atoms",is moving within the confines of a "Molecule". That "Molecule" is a Galaxy, sharing in a dance with other "Molecules";thus making up a Galactic Cluster. This Galactic Cluster is liken to a "Cell". This Galactic Cluster clings together with other "Cells"; this grouping of "Cells" is called a "Super-Cluster". These "Super-Clusters" are likened to the "Vital Organs"of our Being. These "Vital Organs" are comprised of Trillions of these "Cells". Perhaps one of these Vital Organs could be a "Muscle" or "Bone" or "Lungs";and how many of these "Bones" or "Muscles" or "lungs" are needed to form the "Body" of the UNIVERSE?? And after you've spent some time contemplating THAT one, I'll ask you THIS: "Now imagine looking back from the Edge of that Universal "Body" and looking down, as it were, upon our beautiful Nazaea; filled with masses of Peoples and remembering our technological wonders that gained us this Knowledge which I so criptically explained above,then tell me if WE don't seem to you,like Ants on the Beach??" --C^a^vinu Resi Pus>i~ -- Nazaen Theoretical Physicist Stardate: 78924.03 AD

STRESS RELIEF PHOTOGRAPHY: PLEASE GAZE UPON THIS STARFIELD AND THINK: 1. "I am NOT from this PLANET, I am NOT from this PLANET !!" OR 2."And SHE said it would be a nice GET AWAY. Go with the Guys!, Have some FUN!, Get your mind off work for a change; and NOW I'm going to have to explain to the BOSS, that HIS "Solar Cruiser,Beam Ship" is on a backwater Planet, in some Bozo's garage, in a billion pieces, out in the middle of a Snake infested Desert,that goes by the quaint identification of the number '51'???????"Huh! I ain't stressed, I don't have time to be STRESSED!! Yeah and I can hear it from the Missus: 'You shouldn't be upset, It happens to All the Tourists who go to vacation on that Planet, I think they're just nervous cause they don't know you. You know how those foreigners are...till you learn their language or give them a trinket or two." "STARCHART HUMOR" Lt. J.Finute~c^i//Astrometerics DARK MATTER --- "That which you see between the Big toe and it's neighbor." THE VOID -- "What a Physician encounters when he looks into a TEENAGER's ears." SOLAR FLARES -- "Scientific phenomena which occurs only after you've spent a summer day on the beach." QUANTUM PHYSICS -- "What young folks use to explain why they COULDN'T HAVE BEEN at Sam's raucus party when they were SUPPOSED TO BE at the Library studying Calculus." GASEOUS ANOMALIES -- "Well....beings this is a "PG Website, I'm not even going THERE!!" STRING THEORY -- "Cats will be debating over this one for centuries to come." RED SHIFT -- "Oh, that's just a NEW dance everybody's trying to do in the BETA Sector." ROGUE PLANET -- "Uh....Let me think...that is a Planet that has no set trajectory, in otherwords, it doesn't know where it's going. I think it's that Blue one in the SOL system." THE RINGS OF SATURN -- " I hear their going for $5,000.00 a piece, but personally, I think they are just COSTUME JEWELRY!"
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